Architecture and Landscape

A Journey in Landscape RestorationA Journey in Landscape Restoration
Carrifran Wildwood and Beyond
by Philip AshmoleMyrtle Ashmole

Carrifran Wildwood was the brainchild of local people who mourned the lack of natural habitats and decided to act. When Borders Forest Trust was founded the Wildwood became the Trust’s first large land-based project, and after 20 years of work it has become an inspirational example of ecologic... more...
A New Way of LivingA New Way of Living
Georgian Town Planning in the Highlands and Islands
by Gordon Haynes

A New Way of Living tells the broad story of the development of new towns in the Scottish Highlands and Islands post-1750. It pulls together the various strands that influenced the development of the North West Highlands after the disastrous risings and charts the government-backed attempts at esta... more...
Caithness ArchaeologyCaithness Archaeology
Aspects of Prehistory
by A. HealdJ.  Barber

Caithness, the most northerly county in mainland Britain, is one of the richest cultural landscapes in Europe. The relative geographical isolation of the area, traditional landholding and the survival of large estates, combined with the use of flagstone as the main building material since earliest t... more...
The Unseen Hand of Tony Hunt
by Nigel  Dale

'... His ambition and desire to experiment are without parallel in the last 40 years of structural engineering... Within the pages of this book you’ll find yourself enthralled by the effectiveness and originality of his work. Time and again he has brought structures of astounding ingenuity... more...
Decorative and Innovative Use of ConcreteDecorative and Innovative Use of Concrete
by Graham F. True

This is a broadly chronological account of the decorative and innovative use of Portland cement-based concrete. Contrary to the oft-held belief that concrete is a dull material that is used unimaginatively, this book demonstrates that it can be used in an exciting and inspiring way while benefiting ... more...
Great MisconceptionsGreat Misconceptions
Rewilding Myths and Misunderstandings
by Ian  Parsons

The term rewilding has become part of the common vernacular and with it has come a lot of misunderstanding and even misuse. This has led to a great many misconceptions about what the word actually means. Great Misconceptions brings together different writers, with different experiences, exploring so... more...
Landscape and Garden DesignLandscape and Garden Design
Lessons from History
by Gordon Haynes

This book presents a chronological review of garden design which both simplifies the big picture and supplies a rationale, with examples, of the merits and demerits of each design period while reflecting on the social conditions which generated each one. It gathers together design ideas and their im... more...
Landscape Change in the Scottish HighlandsLandscape Change in the Scottish Highlands
Imagination and Reality
by James Fenton

The Scottish Highlands have a strong appeal to the public imagination. Indeed, as a result of the writings of Sir Walter Scott, they are now symbolic of Scotland as a whole: a land of mountains, glens and lochs, of golden eagles and red deer; a land with a rich cultural history of clans and clanship... more...
Literature of the Gaelic LandscapeLiterature of the Gaelic Landscape
Litreacheas na Tìre
by John Murray

From the comfort of an armchair and with the aid of this new book, the reader can travel to the Breadalbane and Argyll of Duncan Bàn Macintyre; the Skye and Raasay of Sorley Maclean; and the Caithness and Sutherland of Neil M. Gunn. Photographs, maps and place-names linked to key passages in ... more...
Managing Upland ResourcesManaging Upland Resources
New Approaches for Rural Environments
by Lois Mansfield

Many traditional approaches to rural land management are strictly sectoral, with a rigid introspective focus. Consequently the impact of silo-driven change on other land users they can often be overlooked or not appreciated. This book critically reviews why there has yet to be a clear route to uplan... more...
New WaysNew Ways
The Founding of Modernism
by Nigel  Dale

New Ways: The Founding of Modernism features the rise during the interwar period of a group of engineers, architects, sculptors, ceramicists, artists, furniture-makers, craftsmen and patrons to the forefront of British art and design. Important to the Founding of Modernism was the cooperation betwee... more...
Ploughing a New FurrowPloughing a New Furrow
A Blueprint for Wildlife Friendly Farming
by Malcolm Smith

Farmland wildlife has been decimated by intensive crop growing using pesticides, grubbing up hedges, ploughing heathland and draining marshes, etc. With too many sheep grazing our moors, hills and mountains, a range of upland plants, invertebrates and birds has been diminished and the land converted... more...
Reading the Gaelic Landscape     2nd editionReading the Gaelic Landscape 2nd edition
Leughadh Aghaidh na Tìre
by John Murray

Following the success of the first edition, this new edition has been expanded and improved with additional images and enhanced drawings. The subject matter has been expanded with the chapter on grammar and pronunciation extended. There are examples of how Gaelic personal names and the human body ar... more...
Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions: Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions:
Images, Ruins and Cultural Memory
by Minna SilverGabriele FangiAhmet Denker

This book provides a visual reconstruction of Palmyra, a World Heritage Site situated in Syria, which flourished in Greco-Roman times. Palmyra is situated in a desert oasis and served as a vibrant caravan station on the Silk Road connecting the Roman world with the East. It has been called ‘th... more...
Self PortraitSelf Portrait
The Eyes Within
by William Mitchell

This is the story of Bill Mitchell’s life – his career and his body of work from hospital at an early age to a life of art with commissions offered 80 years later. It describes gaining commissions, experiments with materials and methods and his determination to produce magnificent works ... more...
The Life and Works of Glasgow Architects James Miller and John James BurnetThe Life and Works of Glasgow Architects James Miller and John James Burnet
by John  Stewart

This is the first full biography of two of Scotland’s most eminent Architects, James Miller and John James Burnet. While born just three years apart into very different circumstances – Burnet was the son of a wealthy Glasgow architect and Miller a farmer’s son – their careers... more...
The Tenement RevealedThe Tenement Revealed
History, Design & Construction
by John Gilbert

The Tenement Revealed is a liberally illustrated guide to the construction of tenement housing across Scotland from 1700 to 1915, with detailed information about the changing methods and materials used. Numerous detailed drawings accompany the photographs, resulting in an attractive and accessible b... more...
The Transformation of the European Civic Tradition since c. 1800The Transformation of the European Civic Tradition since c. 1800
by J.V.N. Soane

This book elucidates the continuing conflict between the conservation of the townscapes and associated lifestyles that have evolved over centuries in Europe and the impact of the mounting and dramatic, political, economic and spatial changes that accompany the globalising progress in the modern worl... more...
Windfarm VisualisationWindfarm Visualisation
Perspective or Perception?
by Alan Macdonald, RIBA

Alan Macdonald provides a penetrating analysis of the problems associated with photomontages of proposed wind turbines and he puts forward readily understood ways of ensuring visualisations of proposed developments and new landscape features are more realistic and easier to use, both by the public a... more...
World Heritage CanalWorld Heritage Canal
Thomas Telford and the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct
by Paul A.  Lynn

Thomas Telford was arguably the greatest civil engineer Britain has ever produced. This book reveals his humble beginnings and then  describes his self-propelled rise from journeyman stonemason to famous canal engineer. In 1793 Telford was appointed principal engineer on the Ellesmere Canal ... more...

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