
3D Recording, Documentation and Management of Cultural Heritage3D Recording, Documentation and Management of Cultural Heritage
by Efstratios StylianidisFabio  Remondino

Documentation of our cultural heritage is experiencing an explosion of innovation. New tools have appeared in recent decades including laser scanning, rapid prototyping, high dynamic range spherical and infrared imagery, drone photography, augmented and virtual reality and computer rendering in mult... more...
3D/4D City Modelling3D/4D City Modelling
From Sensors to Applications
by Sultan KocamanDevrim AkcaDaniela PoliFabio Remondino

This book provides theoretical and practical insights into city modelling from a geomatics perspective. It offers a critical discussion of state-of-the-art solutions for the geometric and semantic generation of 3D city models, their management and maintenance in GIS environments, and also their repr... more...
Airborne and Terrestrial Laser ScanningAirborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
by George VosselmanHans-Gerd Maas

Whittles Publishing is delighted to announce that Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning has been awarded the Karl Kraus Medal by the ISPRS with the presentation being made on 31st August at the XXII Congress in Melbourne. We are also very pleased for all the authors who have contributed to the boo... more...
Applications of 3D Measurement from ImagesApplications of 3D Measurement from Images
by John  Fryer Harvey  Mitchell Jim  Chandler

This outstanding new book reveals through a series of case studies how modern digital photogrammetry is capable of providing dense and accurate spatial data to solve a wide range of contemporary measurement problems, and at a diverse range of scales. It outlines key principles and methods associated... more...
Close Range PhotogrammetryClose Range Photogrammetry
Principles, Techniques and Applications
by Stuart RobsonThomas LuhmannStephen  KyleIan Harley

This CD can only be ordered by contacting either Whittles Publishing (E:  T: 01593 731 333) or our distributor BookSource (E:  T: 0845 370 0067) An authoritative guide to close range photogrammetry The first comprehensive modern tex... more...
Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine VisionClose Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision
by K.B. Atkinson

Over the past decade, advances in this field have been rapid and we are now well into the era of digital photogrammetry. This book provides an authoritative account of the subject with chapters from acknowledged international experts. The methodology, algorithms, techniques and equipment necessar... more...
Datums and Map ProjectionsDatums and Map Projections
For Remote Sensing, GIS and Surveying, 2nd edition
by Jonathan  IliffeRoger  Lott

Over the years since its first appearance, Datums and Map Projections has become a key book for many students and professionals around the world. Its theme - a practical guide to coordinate reference systems - is as important now as when it was first published, probably more so when we consider the ... more...
Digital Aerial SurveyDigital Aerial Survey
Theory and Practice
by Ron  GrahamAlexander  Koh

A comprehensive manual that is creating quite a stir in the surveying community. It examines the systems available for data capture and photogrammetric processing and provides an opportunity for readers to apply photo-interpretation, reconnaissance and photomapping techniques to many planning, re... more...
Everest - the Man and the MountainEverest - the Man and the Mountain
by J. R. Smith

Mount Everest is known to everyone - but what of the person after whom it was named? This book traces the life and profession of that person, George Everest. In particular, it covers his life dedicated to surveying in India during the first half of the 19th century. George Everest went to India a... more...
High Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery, 2nd editionHigh Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery, 2nd edition
by Ian  DowmanKarsten JacobsenGottfried KonecnyRainer Sandau

The second edition of this book has been fully updated to include information on optical sensors launched since 2012 and on new developments in technology, particularly on small satellites and on constellations. There is also a new chapter on applications which looks at how products from optical sen... more...
Introduction to PointcloudmetryIntroduction to Pointcloudmetry
Point Clouds from Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry
by Mathias Lemmens

There is an enormous need to map cities, rivers, coasts, roads, industrial installations and infrastructure in general, and also vulnerable areas in full three dimensions. It has to be done accurately and in detail. The main technologies for detailed 3D mapping are based on imaging devices (photogra... more...
Manual of Aerial SurveyManual of Aerial Survey
Primary Data Acquisition
by Ron  GrahamRoger  Read

Primary data acquisition is the front end of mapping, GIS and remote sensing and involves: aviation, navigation, photography, cameras (film and digital systems), GPS systems, surveying (ground control), photogrammetry and computerized systems. This book deals with differential GPS systems, survey... more...
Manual of Aerial Survey (CD)Manual of Aerial Survey (CD)
Primary Data Acquisition
by Roger  ReadRon  Graham

Primary data acquisition is the front end of mapping, GIS and remote sensing and involves: aviation, navigation, photography, cameras (film and digital systems), GPS systems, surveying (ground control), photogrammetry and computerized systems. This book deals with differential GPS systems, survey... more...
Maths for Map MakersMaths for Map Makers
second edition
by Arthur L. Allan

In response to demand, the author has written a new chapter on the subject of least squares estimation. To support this new topic, an appendix has been added, presenting additional matrix algebra. This second and enlarged edition of this established textbook for students and professionals is again p... more...
Object and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing Object and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
Modelling and Monitoring Environmental and Anthropogenic Objects and Change Processes
by Stefan  HinzAndreas  BraunMartin  Weinmann

Fully automated interpretation and understanding of remotely sensed data by a computer has been a challenge for many decades, and many approaches have been developed over the years. Significant advances in knowledge-based image understanding, machine learning and artificial intelligence has led to t... more...
Principles of Geospatial SurveyingPrinciples of Geospatial Surveying
by Arthur L. Allan

This important new book replaces the author's highly successful Practical Surveying and Computations and has been completely recast to accord with modern practices of geospatial surveying. Although much has changed in the profession of geospatial surveying, the same basic geometrical principl... more...
Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions: Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions:
Images, Ruins and Cultural Memory
by Minna SilverGabriele FangiAhmet Denker

This book provides a visual reconstruction of Palmyra, a World Heritage Site situated in Syria, which flourished in Greco-Roman times. Palmyra is situated in a desert oasis and served as a vibrant caravan station on the Silk Road connecting the Roman world with the East. It has been called ‘th... more...
Small Format Aerial PhotographySmall Format Aerial Photography
by W.S. WarnerRoger  ReadRon  Graham

Small format aerial photography (SFAP) provides a cheap alternative to conventional large format aerial survey and this book forms a complete guide to aerial photography operations using small cameras. From the basics of mapping, measurement and photography to all technical details of planning a ... more...
The Digital ImageThe Digital Image
by Ron  Graham

A completely revised and updated edition of the successful first edition Since Digital Imaging was first published, numerous improvements and changes in resolution and quality of imaging have been made and this book includes the most up-to-date developments. With the increase in diversity of... more...
Unmanned Vehicle Systems for GeomaticsUnmanned Vehicle Systems for Geomatics
Towards Robotic Mapping
by Costas ArmenakisPetros Patias

This book contributes to the transformative and revolutionary use of small, unmanned vehicle systems for three-dimensional geospatial data acquisition and mapping, which is considered to be a paradigm shift in the science and technology of geomatics. The book presents a systematic and comprehensi... more...
Windfarm VisualisationWindfarm Visualisation
Perspective or Perception?
by Alan Macdonald, RIBA

Alan Macdonald provides a penetrating analysis of the problems associated with photomontages of proposed wind turbines and he puts forward readily understood ways of ensuring visualisations of proposed developments and new landscape features are more realistic and easier to use, both by the public a... more...

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