
Deeper into the DarknessDeeper into the Darkness
by Rod Macdonald

In Deeper into the Darkness Rod takes the reader diving to explore many more famous wrecks around the UK from the Great War. These include HMS Pathfinder and HMS Audacious – the first British battleship to be lost to enemy action in WWI. The wreck of HMS Hampshire on which Lord Kitchener peris... more...
Dive PalauDive Palau
The Shipwrecks
by Rod Macdonald

Recounted with his usual level of meticulous historical research, Rod weaves an easily readable account of the build-up to and implementation of Operation Desecrate 1 – the raid undertaken to destroy Japanese ships and aircraft in the lagoons of Palau. He uses his intimate knowledge of shipwre... more...
Dive Scapa FlowDive Scapa Flow
by Rod Macdonald

Dive Scapa Flow has been THE definitive guide to diving the fabled wrecks of Scapa Flow, one of the world’s greatest wreck diving locations.  This completely re-written and updated centenary edition is produced to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the scuttle of the 74 warships of th... more...
Dive Truk Lagoon, 2nd edition Dive Truk Lagoon, 2nd edition
The Japanese WWII Pacific Shipwrecks
by Rod Macdonald

The 50-mile wide lagoon of Truk Atoll, far out in the remote expanses of the Pacific, is quite simply the greatest wreck diving location in the world. Scores of virtually intact Japanese WWII wrecks of transport ships, still filled with cargoes of tanks, trucks, artillery, beach mines, shells and ai... more...
Diving for TreasureDiving for Treasure
Discovering history in the depths
by Vic VerlindenStefan Panis

This book recounts the efforts over many years to dive wrecks that contained treasure in one form or another. The often prolonged and sometimes dangerous expeditions tell of dives to many ships that were wrecked while carrying tons of gold or other valuables. Many of the wrecks came to lie at great ... more...
Force Z Shipwrecks of the South China SeaForce Z Shipwrecks of the South China Sea
HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse
by Rod Macdonald

The tragedy of the loss in 1941 of two Royal Navy capital ships, HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, the core of Churchill’s deterrent Force Z, stunned the world. Churchill had hoped that sending a small powerful squadron of ships to Singapore would deter a threatened Japanese invasion of Mal... more...
Great British ShipwrecksGreat British Shipwrecks
by Rod Macdonald

For more than 30 years, internationally acclaimed wreck diver and best-selling author, Rod Macdonald, has surveyed and researched shipwrecks around the world. His books such as Dive Scapa Flow and The Darkness Below are household names in the diving world. In Great British Shipwrecks Rod uses his... more...
Into the AbyssInto the Abyss
Diving to Adventure in the Liquid World
by Rod Macdonald

Into the Abyss, the first volume in The Diving Trilogy, is a fascinating collection of true life diving adventures from Rod’s long and varied diving career. It follows his progression from novice diver in the 1980s through the dangers of the deep air diving era and on to trimix diving in the 1... more...
Shipwrecks of the Dover StraitsShipwrecks of the Dover Straits
by Stefan Panis

The Dover Straits is the resting place for many wrecks and this book reveals the stories behind a selection of these unfortunate vessels. This highly pictorial account shows the wrecks and the numerous artefacts found. The gallery of photographs for each wreck is accompanied by a brief summary of th... more...
Shipwrecks of the Forth and TayShipwrecks of the Forth and Tay
by Bob  Baird

This is a meticulously-researched reference guide to 300 shipping losses, and the events surrounding their sinking, off the coast of Scotland from Berwick-on-Tweed to the Forth and Tay, and northwards to Stonehaven. This new book is a very much improved and updated edition of the successful previ... more...
The Darkness BelowThe Darkness Below
by Rod Macdonald

From the best-selling author of four classic UK diving books, comes The Darkness Below - a collection of absorbing adventures gained from a lifetime in diving. As one of the UK's leading Technical Divers, Rod takes the reader on a spellbinding and gripping journey, from first beginnings as a nov... more...
The Farnes & Holy IslandThe Farnes & Holy Island
A comprehensive new dive guide
by Ron Young

Following the successful previous book, this new and expanded edition is the most informative and comprehensive book available, particularly for the diving fraternity, and will be essential for divers wishing to experience the rich underwater heritage around the 28 Farne Islands. However, it is not ... more...
The Ultimate Shipwreck GuideThe Ultimate Shipwreck Guide
Whitby to Berwick
by Ron Young

The author has acquired a vast wealth of knowledge, data and experience in boat angling, sport and wreck diving over a period of almost 50 years and has written various wreck books, including two volumes about shipwrecks off the north-east coast of England. However, this book is far superior. No oth... more...
Underwater PotholerUnderwater Potholer
A Cave Diver's Memoirs
by Duncan Price

Duncan’s curiosity has got him into a lot of tight spots – quite literally!  As a teenager, Duncan really wanted to be an astronaut but took to the exploration of inner space instead.  Only a dozen men might have stood on the moon but Duncan has squeezed into many places that n... more...
Wrecks & Reefs of Southeast ScotlandWrecks & Reefs of Southeast Scotland
100 Dives from the Forth Road Bridge to Eyemouth
by Mike Clark

Situated on the south side of the Firth of Forth, the port of Leith, Edinburgh, is a major harbour for warships and cruise liners. Over hundreds of years it has been a trading port and a military dockyard. With Rosyth Dockyard situated further west, this busy waterway has two historically-important ... more...

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