Manual of Aerial Survey (CD)

Manual of Aerial Survey (CD)

Primary Data Acquisition

Roger Read, Ron Graham

  • A softback reprint of the classic text
Print edition: £70.00
+ VAT where applicable
416 pages
liberally illustrated with a colour section

Primary data acquisition is the front end of mapping, GIS and remote sensing and involves: aviation, navigation, photography, cameras (film and digital systems), GPS systems, surveying (ground control), photogrammetry and computerized systems.

This book deals with differential GPS systems, survey flight management systems (both simple and sophisticated), film types, modern film survey cameras such as LH RC-30, Z/I RMK-TOP, digital cameras, infrared methods, laser profilers, airborne laser mapping, satellite systems, laboratory processing (chemical and digital), camera platforms (fixed wing and helicopter). A fresh approach to the subject includes: soft-copy photogrammetry using desk-top computerized systems, film scanners and direct digital camera inputs. Comparisons are made between old film-based technologies and the new digital camera systems, including the Z/I modular digital mapping camera and the LH 'push-broom' ADS 40 camera.

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