Datums and Map Projections

Datums and Map Projections

For Remote Sensing, GIS and Surveying, 2nd edition

Jonathan Iliffe, Roger Lott

  • A different structure to give a better grouping of common themes
  • Greater scope to cover all possible different types of coordinate reference systems that are used in mapping and related studies
  • More examples and case studies from around the world
  • Adoption of the terminology of the ISO 1911 (Spatial referencing by coordinates)
  • Use of colour illustrations
Print edition: £45.00
234 × 156mm
224 pages
liberally illustrated with full colour
PDF Edition: £40.00
File Size: 55MB

Over the years since its first appearance, Datums and Map Projections has become a key book for many students and professionals around the world. Its theme - a practical guide to coordinate reference systems - is as important now as when it was first published, probably more so when we consider the ever growing use of satellite navigation systems and the introduction of web mapping services such as Google Earth. While retaining the benefits of the first edition - clear presentation assuming no prior knowledge, a problem-solving approach, practical examples and the combination of GPS-derived data from other sources - the rewritten and expanded second edition offers very much more:

This new edition, now with a co-author, will maintain the book's reputation as the ideal guide to the subject for years to come.

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