Having worked for over 20 years on otter conservation of all 13 species, the authors wished to share their experiences of these beautiful animals. People may be familiar with the Asian small-clawed otters, often found in zoos, or the sea otter, well-known for lying on its back cracking open shells, but may not be aware that there are more fascinating species.
It is hoped the book will increase public support for the work of the IOSF (International Otter Survival Fund) and awareness of the terrible plight of otters which in many countries are on the verge of extinction. Each species is listed in the IUCN Red Data List and yet little attention is given to their predicament. The illegal wildlife trade in otters is huge – not just for furs and body parts but as pets. In some parts of the world otters are disappearing rapidly and unless urgent action is taken they will be gone forever.
The Hairy-Nosed Otter was thought to be extinct in 1998 but funds provided by the IOSF led to a survey in southern Thailand where a small population was found. Since then populations have been found in Vietnam, Cambodia and Sumatra, but these are small and very fragile. This type of conservation work is vital because so often the plight of otters is overlooked for other high profile species such as tigers and elephants. Otters stand at the top of the food chain on both land and water so they are an ideal indicator of a healthy environment. With greater awareness and support the IOSF will be able to do more on the world stage to conserve otters – PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THIS BOOK WILL GO TO THE IOSF.
Otters of the World is an introduction to the magical world of otters and is complemented with many wonderful photos, with distribution maps for each species.
An essential and unmissable read for anyone interested in nature, wildlife, conservation and especially otters.
‘…easy to read and return to and each chapter is full of wonderful photos… If you are heading off otter spotting around the globe don’t leave home without this book!’ Mammal News
‘The first book providing spectacular photographs and an insight into the lives and behaviour of ALL 13 species of otters… Beautifully illustrated with first class images, Otters of the World provides information on identification, ecology, threats, and outlines the important role the otter plays in conservation. …an introduction to the magical world of otters, with many photos, distribution maps, and more’. Focusing on Wildlife blog
'...highly readable and beautifully illustrated account of this photogenic animal. ...a fascinating, thought-provoking and well-researched work, whose findings have implications not just for otters but for many other endangered species'. Am Bratach
'...this fascinating book... ...their love for these distinctive mammals comes through very clearly'. Scotland Outdoors
'...contains a wealth of information regarding the status of all 13 species of otters worldwide. A gem of a book written with great affection by authors who have a deep understanding of their subject'. ECOS
'...it is clear the authors are dedicated to helping, protecting and better understanding otters. ...reveals their charming, intelligent and endearing characters but also informs the reader about the many problems facing them across the globe. ...is clearly written, in accessible and non-technical language. ...so narrative flows easily and gently. ...every page is filled with fascinating, relevant and important facts about Otters. ...an enormous number of very special images revealing the intriguing and often secret world of these beautiful mammals. A thoroughly interestng and worthwhile read which I can not commend highly enough. Thank you Paul and Grace for sharing your passion and expertise with us!' Dr. Peter Bowen-Walker
'The very well written book beautifully illustrated with photographs of every species incl. very rare ones like the Hairy-nosed Otter or the Marine Otter. ...this is a great addition to the library of everyone interested in otters. Recommended.' Predator Ecology and Conservation
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'...makes a powerful argument for otter conservation... ...is clearly a labour of love: concise, comprehensive, well written and with excellent illustrations. It could, in itself, become a powerful tool in promoting political action for the worldwide conservation of all varieties of this most engaging animal'. John O' Groat Journal
'...tells the tale of all 13 otter varieties around the globe, of the ones whose very existence is endangered, and the ones who continue to thrive. But it's also an amazing tale of what makes otters special...' The Weekly News
'...this excellent appraisal of the various species, we find the answers to all our queries - and a great deal more besides. ...informative and immensely readable, the supporting colour photography is quite exceptional with all species being included. Well researched, well presented and well written. ... Books such as this can only help the overall cause by explaining the creature in such rich detail'. Ned Middleton
'Written by conservationists who have spent 20 years working on otter species worldwide, this book is filled with fascinating facts about these enigmatic animals and their lifestyles. ...this most enjoyable and beautifully illustrated book...' First Nature Blog and Algarve Wildlife
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