Author: Clifford Jones

Dictionary of Energy and FuelsDictionary of Energy and Fuels by Clifford JonesNigel Russell

This comprehensive new dictionary comprises over 1300 definitions and brief articles to provide an extremely useful ready-reference work on solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, including information on the scenes of production of many fuels, such as major coal reserves and large oil and gas fields.more...

Dictionary of Fire Protection EngineeringDictionary of Fire Protection Engineering by Clifford Jones

This groundbreaking book contains a broad yet detailed coverage of the major aspects of fire engineering. As would be expected, such matters as fire extinguishers, flame-retardants and fire-fighting feature centrally, with descriptions, from the functional point of view, of fire appliances from s... more...

Dictionary of Oil and Gas ProductionDictionary of Oil and Gas Production by Clifford Jones

This dictionary provides a synthesis of information currently available but only in a diverse array of sources. Through judicious choice and careful scrutiny, the author has gathered together a very handy ready-reference in the same style as his companion volumes, Dictionary of Energy and Fuels a... more...

Hydrocarbon Process Safety 2nd editionHydrocarbon Process Safety 2nd edition by Clifford Jones

A new edition of this established text has been expanded and updated, treating this important field in a holistic manner. The structure of the previous book has been retained, but enhanced with new text and illustrations, and more numerical problems with a wider scope. Readers will find much on t... more...

LignitesLignites by Clifford Jones

Lignites are a fuel resource upon which there has been heavy reliance for a long time in several parts of the world. Indeed, lignite (also known as low-rank coal, brown coal or braunkohle), has been used for electricity generation in some regions for a century or more. These coals can, after a mi... more...

Numerical Exercises in Fire Protection EngineeringNumerical Exercises in Fire Protection Engineering by Clifford Jones

An essential tool to understanding fire protection engineering. This valuable book draws on the author's long and varied experience in combustion technology and contains soundly-based engineering calculations in fire protection engineering based on start-of-the-art methods. This branch of engi... more...

Numerical Exercises on Heat Transfer in a Hydrocarbon Safety ParadigmNumerical Exercises on Heat Transfer in a Hydrocarbon Safety Paradigm by Clifford Jones

This book results from the author's teaching of hydrocarbon process safety over many years and is a companion text to the recently-published Hydrocarbon Process Safety. It contains 90 detailed numerical problems in heat transfer which vary in difficulty. All of them appertain to hydrocarbo... more...

The Principles of Thermal Sciences and their Applications to EngineeringThe Principles of Thermal Sciences and their Applications to Engineering by Clifford Jones

This book presents an integrated approach to thermodynamics and heat transfer suitable for undergraduates on a number of courses.

Topics covered include:

* The First Law of Thermodynamics, fundamentals and applications
* The Second and Third Laws
* Thermod... more...

Topics in Environmental and Safety Aspects of Combustion TechnologyTopics in Environmental and Safety Aspects of Combustion Technology by Clifford Jones

The book covers a number of quite diverse topics and has underlying chemistry, especially combustion chemistry, as a unifying theme across the chapters. There is frequent reference to the research literature, and accounts of many case studies. The text is backed up by numerous figures and tabl... more...

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