The Enigmatic Sailor

The Enigmatic Sailor

Alan Peacock

Print edition: £15.99
240 × 170mm
144 pages
illustrated with maps and photographs

An essential further dimension to the ENIGMA story of code breaking.

The part played by code-cracking in World War II has at last been dramatically revealed in a popular film and also inspired several accounts by code-crackers and countless broadcasts.

Much less well-known is how code-cracking was used in operational situations. Now the 'Silent Service' at last speaks through the voice of a young and inexperienced naval officer whose rites of passage to manhood required him to act as a seagoing eavesdropper, a role calling not only for quick intelligence but also for facing up to excitement and danger. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his efforts.

His story is interlarded with graphic accounts of life on the lower deck, being torpedoed in a Channel action, and how to contribute to intelligence information that was required to foil enemy attacks on Russian convoys whilst facing atrocious weather conditions.

The influence this intense experience exerted on his subsequent career in becoming one of Britain's leading economists is also discussed.

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