Author: Robin Howie

Robin hopes to complete his tenth round of Munros together with a fourth round of subsidiary tops in 2011, with each hill climbed and explored in a variety of ways. As well as climbing all the Corbetts, he has completed a round of Munros since a hip replacement – each one climbed solo and on every day of the year. He has experienced high altitude climbing in Antarctica, South America and East Africa and has also climbed in Borneo, the Philippines, Norway, Mongolia and Cuba.
100 Scotsman Walks100 Scotsman Walks by Robin Howie

Hillwalking is a way of life for Robin Howie, whose name is very well-known in Scottish hillwalking circles and whose knowledge of the Scottish high tops is second to none. For over ten years his popular weekly hillwalking column has appeared in The Scotsman where his pleasure of walking in the h... more...

Walking Scotland's Lost RailwaysWalking Scotland's Lost Railways by Robin HowieJohn McGregor

Scotland still has hundreds of miles of ‘dismantled railways’, the term used by Ordnance Survey, and the track beds give scope for many walks. Some track beds have been ‘saved’ as Tarmacadam walkway/cycleway routes while others have become well-trodden local walks. The rem... more...

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