Common and Spotted Sandpipers

Common and Spotted Sandpipers

Phil Holland

  • The first book devoted to these two ubiquitous species
  • Takes the reader from the exciting breeding activities in the temperate north through their long migration south and journey back
Print edition: £18.99
240 × 170mm
176 pages
illustrated with over 60 photographs, charts and maps, full colour throughout

This wonderful book describes the fascinating lives of the two most ubiquitous shorebirds in the world. Between them the Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) and Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia) make use of a large part of the world’s terrestrial habitat and they exhibit many of the exciting features of shorebirds.

As the birds arrive on the breeding ground, their displays are spectacular and their sounds are an exciting announcement of springtime. Unusually, the Spotted Sandpiper appears to be the only bird in the world where the female is the territory holder, laying many clutches of eggs, while the male of the Common Sandpiper holds the territory, has one mate, and shares most duties.

They stay on the breeding grounds only as long as is essential to reproduce before making a migration southwards to a broad range of non-breeding homes from Central and South America through Africa, India, and eastwards to Australia with vagrants reaching as far as Tristan da Cunha and New Zealand. The Common Sandpiper has also been recorded breeding in East Africa and wintering in Scotland so their flexibility is amazing.

The author has spent over 40 years studying the lives of these fantastic birds and provides a wealth of information including their breeding behaviour, migrations, distribution, food sources, habitats and their history from 1950 to 36 million years ago.

This beautiful book will hopefully stimulate others to watch these worldwide birds more appreciatively and add to our knowledge.

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