Author: Professor John Bull
Head of Civil Engineering, Northumbria University
Contemporary events have shown that buildings designed to modern day codes need to be able to resist accidental extreme actions such as impact, explosions, weather, chemical and seismic events. This is one of the reasons for the present reviewing of the Eurocodes used to design concret... more...
This notable book - formerly Durability of Structures - discusses the durability of construction materials in a variety of structures and in diverse environmental conditions. A wealth of information including numerous examples and case studies is provided by a team of international experts. The c... more...
The key areas of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and whole life costing (WLC) are exemplified in this volume with accounts of their application to housing stock, a community hydroelectric power system, various aspects of highway infrastructure, and corrosion protective coatings.
Su... more...
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