Author: D. T. Pham

IPROMS 2009 is the fifth in the successful series of online, web-based conferences on Innovative Production Machines and Systems organised by the EU-funded I*PROMS Network of Excellence. It continues to build on the themes of the previous conferences, and attracted over 200 authors from some 2... more...

IPROMS 2007 is the third online, web-based conference on Innovative Production Machines and Systems organised by the EU-funded I*PROMS Network of Excellence. It continues to build on the two previous outstandingly successful conferences and attracted authors from 30 countries across 5 continen... more...

IPROMS 2008 is the fourth online, web-based conference on Innovative Production Machines and Systems organised by the EU-funded I*PROMS Network of Excellence.
It continues to build on the three previous outstandingly successful conferences, attracting over 300 authors from 30 coun... more...
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