Author: Chris Foote Wood
Writer and broadcaster Chris Foote Wood, brother of Victoria Wood, the famous comedienne, is the author of several books including Nellie's Book - the early life of Victoria Wood's Mother; When I'm Sixty-Four - 1001 things to do at 60+ and Proud to be a Geordie - the life and legacy of Jack Fawcett. As a news and sports reporter he has made hundreds of broadcasts on local and national radio and is also an accomplished television performer.

In 2007, author and broadcaster Chris Foote Wood achieved a lifelong ambition - to visit every seaside pier in England, Wales and the Isle of Man - all 56 of them! This odyssey, plus copious research, has provided the raw material for Walking over the Waves.
In words and pictures, ... more...
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Nothing for Something, the Violet Charlesworth Story

Recounted for the first time and in detail, this is the unbelievable true story of the Edwardian ...
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