Steel Structures

Steel Structures

Analysis and Design for Vibrations and Earthquakes

Karuna Moy Ghosh

  • Thorough analysis of whole structures and structural elements
  • Fully compliant with EC8 and EC3
  • Simple, clear approach to calculations
Print edition: £40.00
240 × 170mm
144 pages
illustrated with design sketches

Steel Structures: Analysis and Design for Vibrations and Earthquakes analyses the behaviour of two steel framed structures and their structural elements subjected to complex dynamic forces under the actions of earthquake motions and vibrations due to dynamic forces created by the effects of an unbalanced rotating mass of machines. Both the complete structures and the structural elements are analysed in compliance with Eurocode 8 and Eurocode 3.

There are books available that consider the design of structural members and deal with isolated problems but in the main these emphasize the theory and do not consider the practical design and detailing which engineers face in the design office and within construction. This book considers the structure in its entirety providing a complete picture, guiding the engineer through the full process.

The general principles and practices, design concepts, evaluation of seismic design parameters, calculations of design base shear force in elastic analysis, and vibration analysis are all considered before presentation of the calculations. The author takes the reader through the process in a simple and lucid way with a step-by-step approach stating the design philosophy, design considerations and clarifying the referred clauses of the code of practice, all complemented by design sketches and tables.

Review of Practical Design of Steel Structures ‘…The book will prove to be valuable for practising engineers in design offices, and students on engineering structural courses. …it will be a valuable asset’. Building Engineer

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