Second Sight

Second Sight

Neil M. Gunn

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Print edition: £9.99
198 × 127mm
280 pages

A novel set in a Highland shooting lodge, where the focus is a hunt in a remote deer forest; but this is no ordinary thriller. A shooting lodge party of wealthy English people, a team of Highland stalkers, a legendary stag to be hunted and a background of glen and corrie, shrouded from time to time by impenetrable mist. A marvellous blend of ever-changing landscape - be it light and shadow, swift transitiions from light to half light, mist, rain, tones and flowing lines - contribute to the dramatic essence of the novel. Culture and personality clashes and mystery, which portent much deeper clashes between spiritual and material values, provide a vastly enjoyable read.

From the Foreword by Dairmid Gunn -
'The theme of second sight is continually present throughout the novel; after setting the scene for the development of the plot, it lingers on in various guises and is particularly evident in the deeper conversations among the inhabitants of the lodge and their friends. Despite its Highland setting and the exquisite descriptions of that most beautiful part of Scotland, Second Sight is not the most 'Highland' of Gunn's many novels in terms of writing from the 'inside' or 'within'; it gives, however, a Highland landscape a symbolic significance and sets the perceptive reader off on a hunt for renewed vision.'

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